Take You at Your Word (#1)
I like this song alot because it talks about how as we go on in our lives, that we can learn that
we can trust in Christ, and "Take Him At His Word." We can trust Him to be there for us and never leave,
and the stick to what He said He would do!
I thank God for people like AVALON to share this message! Thank you God!
Vanessa - avalon85@hotmail.com
This is definitely one of my favorites on this disc. This is a "roll down the windows and blast the music as loud as possible" type of song. Makes me want to dance, and I don't really even know how...hehe:)! Anyway, a great tune, and a powerful lyric...there is no one we can count on like our Lord, and we know He can be trusted to keep His promises.
Kindi - Sing4joy1@aol.com
In Not Of (#2)
This is such a great song...I think it challenges us to step out of our comfort zone and really
love others and share His truth with them. The Lord truly is leading us out into the world, each in our own
way, to "take His light to darker parts". :)
Kindi - Sing4joy1@aol.com
In A Different Light (#3)
Can't Live A Day (#4)
I like this song because it shows that nothing really matters. We wouldn't have any of the
earthly treasures if it weren't for the Heavenly Father. And I realize that I live because he lives. I thank the
Lord that AVALON shares that with us, reminding people everywhere that you "Can't Live A Day" without
Amanda - amanda@avalonfan.zzn.com
Always Have, Always Will (#5)
I'm Speechless (#6)
The Song: I loved this song as soon as I heard it. Cheri does a wonderful job singing it. I love the whole
idea, "I'm amazed by Your grace, your forgiving embrance, and I'm finding words could never be enough,
I'm speechless." God is so awesome, we cannot explain Him, we are merely speechless in all He does.
Serena - Serena4Him@aol.com
This song means a lot to me because there's so much that God does to amaze me. We can paint a picture as beautiful as the golden sunset or write a powerful poem but nothing can compare to the glory of God.
Amanda - amanda@avalonfan.zzn.com
If My People Pray (#7)
Only For The Week (#8)
Let Your Love (#9)
I love the beat of this song, and the message it bears. I need to give my life completely to
God and let his love take over me.
Jonathan - Jonathan@avalonfan.zzn.com
Hide My Soul (#10)
First Love (#11)
This song shows how sometimes we forget the love and passion of God and that we need Him
every moment no matter what. Its powerful message has told me to return to my Savior and never leave
my First Love.
Amanda - amanda@avalonfan.zzn.com
This is a beautiful song, musically and lyrically. Their harmonies are gorgeous, and they convey the message of the song perfectly. They really do sing with such passion!
Kindi - Sing4joy1@aol.com
Testify to Love (#1)
If it wasn't for this song, I probably would not have gotten Avalon's CD. . .
which means I wouldn't have done this web page. Since I believe this web page is a ministry,
I believe that I liked Testify to Love for a reason, God's reason. I still listen to it frequently, it also reminds me that we are only here on this earth [as Christians] for one purpose, and that is to "Testify to Love".
Daniel - webmaster@avalonfan.zzn.com
I don't think I could pinpoint an absolute favorite Avalon song of all, but if I had to, this would be right up there. This song just rocks...music, lyrics, everything. No wonder this song was the #1 song on the charts for 1998:)!
Kindi - Sing4joy1@aol.com
I heard this song through a video on Praise TV one evening, and since then I play the videotape every single day. I just love it! It keeps my spirits high and reminds me of the wonderful journey ahead soon after accepting Jesus as my saviour.
Nikki - Whazzer@webtv.net
A World Away (#2)
A Maze of Grace (#3)
Knockin' on Heaven's Door (#4)
Adonia (#5)
I love this song--it is such a beautiful song and you can not believe how it has touched me.
When I listen to it, I can't help but think of God and all that He has done for me--for all of us. He created
the whole world and yet cares about us. He is the true Adonai!!!!!!!
Adonai has touched so many lives including mine. It shares to me how God made everything and me, and how much He loves me. It shows me that He is still making and going to make miracles in my life, also how He has and will ALWAYS reign in majesty.!!!! Thank The Lord!
Vanessa - avalon85@hotmail.com
Speed of Light (#6)
I like this one alot because it shows that when we are about to slip through the hole, we need
to just call on Him, and He is there at the "SPEED OF LIGHT!" I thank the Lord for not letting us slip
Vanessa - avalon85@hotmail.com
The Move (#7)
Reason Enough (#8)
The song REASON ENOUGH touched me SO much! (most of their songs have *s*) but, this
one showed to me that God gave His only son for me, and if that isn't enought of a reason to give Him my
hear, life, and soul then there will NEVER be a reason!
Vanessa - avalon85@hotmail.com
Forgive & Forget (#9)
Forgive & forget....easier said than done for us human folk, huh? But our God has given his forgiveness so freely...and He doesn't just forgive, but wipes the slate clean.
Kindi - Sing4joy1@aol.com
Dreams I Dream for You (#10)
This song has REALLY touched my life! I had been struggling about what God's plan for my
life was, and the "dream" I wanted my sister to do, and what I wanted to do. I heard this song, and it ust
touched me SO much! It showed me that God has even better and more special dreams and plans for my
sister and my life! I reall logve this song!
Vanessa - avalon85@hotmail.com
This song gives me a nice big slap in the face every time I hear it....but it's a wonderful slap...hehe:)! We have all these plans for our lives and how we'd like them to go, but we so often fail to remember that God's plans for us are so much more than we could ever imagine. And in seeking after our own dreams, we often toss His by the wayside...and as a quote I once read from Michael Passons says, "Someday I hope to completely let go of the reins of my so-called destiny, and allow God the opportunity to blow my mind."
Kindi - Sing4joy1@aol.com
Give it Up (#1)
To me the song "Give it Up" is about giving everything, your heart and soul up for God.
Abbie - rculbert@ix.netcom.com
This Love (#2)
The Greatest Story (#3)
Picture Perfect World (#4)
This song reminds me that no matter how bad I think earth is, I know that if I believe Jesus Christ came here and died for our sins that if we believe in Him, we'll go to heaven. There's comfort in that.
Daniel - webmaster@avalonfan.zzn.com
Don't be Afraid(#5)
Here to Deliver (#6)
Let it be Forever (#7)
This song touched my life alot! I didn't at first understand what it was talking about. It says
that if we are going to say we are christians or say, I guess, love something that it should be forever, and
not just for awhile. We CAN be a witness to those who's hearts are broken in to and share the Love of
God to the world, who doesn't know the true meaning or what the word Love means.
Vanessa - avalon85@hotmail.com
My Jesus, I Love Thee(#8)
Savior Love (#9)
Jesus is Lord (#10)