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date: 06.18.99
name: Mishaun
email: demabry@ibm.net
age: 13 1/2
favorite Avalon song: "I love them all, but I would have to say Picture Perfect World"
interests, hobbies: "I play cello and piano. I enjoy going to concerts and the computer."
favorite place to shop: "I love to shop at all kinds of places. My favorites are the Limted and Charlotte Russe."
favorite food: "Salad or Cheese Manicotti"
something unique: "My name!"
favorite book, TV show, movie: "Fav. tv show is 7th Heaven and my fav. movie is Ever After"
anything else: "if you want to e-mail me and I'll try to write you back!"

date: 06.18.99
name: Jamie
email: JesusIs01@aol.com
age: 14 ½
favorite Avalon song: "A Maze of Grace"
interests, hobbies: "I like to sing,listen to music,read my bible,make websites,ride my bike on the trails,and chat w/ my friends!"
favorite place to shop: "Target or whatever store has nice clothes! hehehe... "
favorite food: "Anything Mexican OR Italian."
something unique: "YES!!! but you'd have to get to know me to know what's so unique about me! hehehe...."
favorite book, TV show, movie: "MOVIE: Star Wars-the phantom menace BOOK: Circle Of Friends-Point of Grace TV SHOW: Two of a kind,Boy meets World,Providence,Love Boat,and Sabrina"
anything else: "I like Point Of Grace,Newsboys,RSJ,and Brother's Keeper also. =o) "

date: 06.18.99
name: Amanda
email: amanda@avalonfan.zzn.com
age: 14
favorite Avalon song: "Hmmm... Probably A Maze of Grace. That song has been my all time fave ever since I first heard it."
interests, hobbies: "I love writing books. I also think it's so fun surfing the web and designing my own web site. "
favorite place to shop: "Um, the mall, practically, since it is basically the source of everything!"
favorite food: "There's this restaurant, called the Outback Steakhouse, that serves the best food, like cheese fries and this terrific serloin steak called, The Outback Special. Oh, it melts in your mouth! LoL."
something unique: "I don't know. I get really good grades; I can write interesting stories. Otherwise there's nothing really to brag about!"
favorite book, TV show, movie: "I love the book series, California Diaries and the Left Behind kids edition. I like the movie, Star Wars: Episode One. I don't really have a favorite TV show."
anything else: "Not really. LoL"

date: 06.16.99
name: Daniel
email: daniel@avalonfan.zzn.com
age: 14
favorite Avalon song: "I like them all. My absolute favorite is probably still 'Testify to Love', although I love the song 'Can't Live A Day'."
interests, hobbies: "Probably my biggest interest [right now] is designing/building web pages. I love HTML & graphic design. I've played the flute for seven years now, and I also like basketball as a sport."
favorite place to shop: "hmmm... depends on what I'm buying. If I'm getting CD's, it's Wal-mart. If I'm shopping for clothes, I really like JCPenney's & The GAP. I also do a lot of shopping (mainly for CD's) online."
favorite food: "variety is always the best. Who wants to eat one food every day, all day? I really like chocolate milk & cereal though."
something unique: "I'm homeschooled. That's fairly unique, but not totally."
favorite book, TV show, movie: "I like 'Double Helix by Sigmond Brower' for the book. I do not (I'm serious!) watch TV, even though we own two of them. I'd rather be playing the computer! My favorite movie is Antz. I still laugh at it. I also like Star Wars Episode 1... I saw it opening day (Cherie's birthday for major Avalon fans :-)."
anything else: "not really."

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